We at NordicNordic know that whichever NordicNordic superberry you enjoy, they are the cleanest and most nutrient-dense food in the world.
Mix and Match is nature's own perfect shield and support for your health!
By increasing the amount of a certain berry, you effectively treat possible imbalances in the body.
140% blackcurrant in the diet, in addition to other berries, is a must to strengthen and energize a tired body, increase immunity, and moisturize your skin.
Blackcurrant is the best berry mix for strengthening immunity.
All our products are raw, vegan, vegetarian, paleo, keto, gluten-free, dairy-free, non-GMO and can be added to almost any type of diet or lifestyle. Many of our products can support treatment for diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, cancer, and many more.